Monday, June 6, 2011

Meminta Maaf...Membuka Pintu Hati Yg Tertutup

Entri yg singkat sbb nak tido. Minta maaf, I apologize, Gomen ne, przepraszam and dlam bahase ape2 pon la. The most important thing is that dengan meminta maaf, it will open the door to ketenangan, kebahagian, keamanan dan keharmonian. Normally, kita akan meminta maaf apabila buat silap atau gagal dalam mencapai sesuatu yg ibu bapa kita mahu kita capai. Jarang antara kita yg meminta maaf for the sake of maintaning or strengthening a relationship or bond. Hmmm, x paham kan? Maksudnyer, klu ade situasi  dimana kita rasa x bersalah tetapi disuruh meminta maaf oleh seseorang. Disebabkan ego kita yg tinggi, kita kata " buat apa nak minta maaf, kita x bersalah"...Inilah situasi yg saya nyatakan..."  meminta maaf for the sake of maintaining or strengthening a relationship or bond." 

“Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time.” Sara Paddison.

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